Hand surgery and two trips

7 oktober 2022 - Dedemsvaart, Nederland

Tuesday September 27, I had to be at the hospital to undergo hand surgery because of  dupuytren contracture.
My ring finger was in an angle for about 3 years and got worse also my thumb started to join the party too.

The joint in my finger sometimes was SO sore I wanted to grab a knife and cut it off. So.... Tuesday I went into theatre where a very nice anesthesiologist, a female Dr. Steen, came to see me and gave me a plexus block (Ultrasound-guided brachial plexus block can provide dense analgesia and anesthesia to the upper extremity from the shoulder to the fingers, depending on the indication and approach utilized. The use of ultrasound has made these blocks more accessible and safer to perform.) Your whole arm goes out of commission for at least 12 hours so the advantage is that A you don't have to have general anesthetic and you don't have pain for a couple of hours. The surgeon figured it would be a 2 hour job because of the joint and the thumb. We can always give you a sedative so you sleep for a little and kill time. I am way to curious I said to be asleep, if it is possible I want to look. Well, it is all covered in cloth so you can't but I promise that when I am done I show it to you before I wrap it up. Deal I said. There was nice music playing and the staff very friendly and we had a couple of good laughs too. After two hours the job was done, the hand wrapped up and to the room I went. A cup of coffee and a sandwich and I hopped in my clothes ready to go home. Yesterday morning I went for an extra appointment and an X-Ray back because the joint on the ring finger doesn't want to play with others. There was thank goodness not a lot of arthritis showing on the photo... the ligaments are protesting being up after being in an angle for 3 years. At night I need to wear a splint to force the finger to stay straight and not in the comfortable crooked position.
Hand therapy is awful but I am going through the pain and doing it. Tuesday the stitches come out and that will feel a lot better.

crooked finger and thumb stitches  splint

I am very limited but we did take 2 very nice trips, one was a walk on The Dwingerlderveld. 
The Dwingelderveld is Europe's largest wet moorland area and its only 30 minutes by car from us.
When you click this HERE it will give you more information. It is drop dead gorgeous.

Dwingerlerveld  Dwingelerveld_sheep

The second trip we took yesterday was to Giethoorn. 

It is a peaceful village in the province of Overijssel that is often referred to as the “Little Venice” of the Netherlands, due to its numerous waterways and the absence of roads and cars. Its beautiful canals, picturesque wooden bridges, and farmhouses with centuries-old thatched roofs give it a unique fairy-tale vibe.

Giethoorn_house Birdhouses_different Giethoorn

I made a combined photo album because it was too much of a hassle to upload the pictures here one by one.
Should you be interested, click HERE one picture says more than a thousand words.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the info.

Until next time, may love, health and peace be with you all❣️
