
17 september 2022 - Dedemsvaart, Nederland

We had a couple of odd weeks, September 5 my father in law passed away. No need to rush to Ohio, there will be a remembrance in December and Jeff will fly in then.
The obituary can be found  HERE.

September 12 it was my birthday and for the first time since 2017 I did celebrate it the Dutch way. The husband had to get used to it because its a little different.

My nextdoor account ended due to the fact I broke the rules by not living in Springfield anymore but still being a part of the community so this blog is what's left.

After 7 weeks we can finally say WE DID IT, we are done decorating.
Our dining room table and E-Bikes arrived, now the time comes that we can start to relax and travel.

Diningroom_set    E-Bike

In my next stories you will see pictures and read stories of places we went to, and sights we saw.
This Wednesday we will travel to the province of Zeeland for three days where we will dog sit three beautiful Dutch Shepard's, our lease dogs LOL.

The first trip out of the country will be showing the husband Bruges in Belgium.
It is my favorite European city so far. So much history to see, great food and drinks. I have been there many times but never get tired of the city. Hopefully we will have some nice fall weather.

September 27 I will undergo hand surgery due to Dupuytren's contracture which affects my ring finger and thumb, The hand will be out of commission for a week.
Thank God I usually heal quickly. Some hand therapy afterwards will help.

Sorry it is a short update, it has been 2 weird weeks.
Hopefully life is treating you well, may love, health and peace be with you all!


7 Reacties

  1. Debbie:
    17 september 2022
    I’m sorry to hear about your father in law. I did see they kicked you off the Neighborhood-it caused quite a stir. Gave people something to complain about-some people just have to gripe! I’m happy to follow your blog and get to see some other parts of the world through you. Enjoy all of your new adventures and we look forward to your updates.
  2. Connie:
    17 september 2022
    Sorry for your loss. . I am happy i stumbled across your Neighborhood account right before you moved. Enjoying see your part of the world. Your home is lovely . Take care .
  3. Jeff & Missy:
    17 september 2022
    Thank you both❣️
  4. Gail Palmer:
    17 september 2022
    Missy, I hope you are just going to do great on your surgery for your Dupuytren's contracture. I am also sorry to hear of your father-in-law's passing, all going on while you are just now pretty well settled in. You have accomplished so much, though, in such a short time. I can see you don't let grass grow under your feet. Lol You look to have a lovely home and such nice decor. Nice purchases on the bikes, too. You will be in good shape in no time, riding and enjoying your bikes and the beautiful country and countryside.
  5. Jeff & Missy:
    17 september 2022
    Thank you Gail❣️
  6. Lisa Paxson:
    23 september 2022
    Happiness absorbs you, it warms my soul to watch you bloom through your transition process♥️ I’m so happy you found your “zen” but I sure miss you. Stay blessed my friend 🥰
  7. Jeff & Missy:
    24 september 2022
    Thanks Lisa, I miss you too❣️